The difference between xylitol and erythritol: xylitol offers 1: 1 sweetening power compared to conventional sugar, while erythritol offers only 70% sweetening power. This means that more erythritol should be used in baking than sugar, which means that more wet ingredients should be added to achieve the same result. Xylitol is therefore more suitable for baking because it does not complicate recipes
Perfect for baking: Eritritol tends to form crystals when a dough cools, which is characterized by crunching between the teeth. Therefore, our xylitol is more suitable for the production of the sponge dough. With our xylitol you can prepare even yeast dough. However, they take a little longer because yeasts feed on alternative sources of carbohydrates (flour)
Calories: Xylitol has approx. 40% fewer calories than household sugar, of which only part can be used by human metabolism.
Friendly for teeth: It has been shown that xylitol prevents the appearance of dental caries and, unlike other alternatives to sugar, can therefore ensure healthier teeth
Tested in the laboratory: Xilitol is already available in many supermarkets (Edeka & Rewe) throughout Germany and meets strict quality requirements in Germany
Sweetener: xylitol
Instructions for use
Sugar replacement