- Organic sugar from coconut flowers is a healthier alternative to classic household sugar and a tastier version of the natural sweetener
- As the name suggests, coconut sugar is a sweetener obtained from coconut nuts. It contains several minerals and a sweetening power similar to sucrose.
- It can be used successfully as another source for sweetening foods or drinks or even for the preparation of sugar.
- The product of our brand is characterized by a pure and qualitative composition that does not contain additives, flavor enhancers or allergens.
- Organic coconut sugar has a slightly sweet aroma, similar to the sweetness of brown sugar, with a subtle caramel taste.
Product description
Organic coconut sugar is a product with a light, sweet aroma and interesting organoleptic properties. Coconut sugar is made up of ¾ sucrose, the rest being glucose and fructose. The glycemic index of coconut sugar is relatively low, 35, so it does not cause significant blood sugar and insulin increases. It also has a high iron content and more minerals than normal household sugar, which can stimulate concentration and immune system. People who should not use the organic version of coconut flowers sugar are diabetics, people with significant insulin resistance and people fighting with reactive hypoglycemia. It is advisable to limit the daily consumption of organic coconut sugar to a maximum of 2-3 teaspoons per day. It is recommended to keep the product in the original sealed packaging, in a cool, dark and dry place.
Organic coconut organic sugar
Instructions for use
Use brown sugar as a substitute for sugar to sweeten coffee, tea and other hot and cold drinks, cocktails, desserts, baking and cooking, as well as decorative taping for food.