Natural, low and healthy aroma!
Better food. Better performance. Get sweet and aroma with AlphaPower Food!
Discover our selection of sugar substitutes and natural aroma drops for all foods, drinks, shakes, desserts and more! The most complete in the kitchen! They can be used for diets, food changes, sports and a healthy lifestyle! Vegan, without OMG and without industrial sugar: now discover the colorful world of Alphapower Food!
Whether it is love for sports or diets, intolerance or simply healthy eating and consciousness awareness: the reasons why many people give up conventional sugar, aromas and artificial flavors could not be more different. The only problem is that sugar and fats are flavored and it can happen that foods that take into account nutrition no longer have an equally delicious taste. Okay there is Alphapower Food!
Monotony in food and drink quickly leads to demotivation and give up your healthy lifestyle again. Here we can help you, the Alphapower Food: our range includes a colorful mixture of liquid sugar substitutes, such as Eritritol, Xilitol, Sucrallosis and Stevia.
The 100% natural aromas in a unbeatable combination with sugar-free sweetness completes the product portfolio! With AlphaPower-food products you can bring variety and fun in everyday life, you can lose weight and live healthy without compromising on aroma and sweetness!
Live with pleasure
Put the taste in your life! Discover Alphapower Food now: sweetener, stevia drops, stevia aroma drops and more!
Sugar -free sweetness
With Erythritol Natural Sweetener Drops, get sugar -free sweetness in your food - without the calories of conventional household sugar, much healthier and with few calories!
Aroma of berries
Stevia aroma drops in AlphaPower Food Blueberry add a fruity flavor of food, water, drinks and shakes and sweeten them at the same time as natural stevia! A must-have for a conscious diet!
Host without sin
Sometimes you need a little reward! If you want to motivate yourself without throwing your conscious eating plans overboard, try the Stevia White Chocolate sweetener flavored drops of AlphaPower Food! The natural sweetness of Stevia meets the creamy aroma of the white chocolate - without calories!
Live with pleasure
Sugar -free sweetness
Aroma of berries
Holiday without sin
The most important questions at a glance
What is normal, white, household sugar?
In short: sugar from which all vital substances were eliminated by artificial refining processes. This industrial sugar is no longer a natural carbohydrate. Not even fruit sugar, dextrose, beet sugar or cane sugar in isolated form (usually 100% devoid of all vital substances and available in white granular powder) is no longer a natural carbohydrate.
What are erythritol, xylitol or Stevia actually?
Eritritol, for example, is different: it is produced when carbohydrates are fermented, it has about 70% of the sweetening power of conventional household sugar and is without calories! Xylitol is known by many as a birch sugar and is obtained from natural and vegetable raw materials, such as wood sugar. The sweetening power is generally 98% of that of industrial sugar and has only half of the calories. Stevia is obtained from a shrub, is an extremely powerful sweetener and has practically zero calories! Sucralosis is obtained from sucrose, is very sweet and does not contain calories. All of these are suitable to completely replace conventional industrial sugar. The wonderful thing is that diets can be relieved and diabetics do not have to give up sweets. People concerned with nutrition often use sugar substitutes for health reasons.
Why AlphaPower Food Flavour Drops?
Nature's Flavour Drops flavoring drops are 100% natural flavors, high -dose flavored drops, with a proper high sweetening power. They can be used to add a certain aroma to quark, pastries, drinks, water or other foods. If you are a fan of Stevia sweeteners and you also want a 100% pure natural taste, then it is best to use our stevia aroma drops. They are also all -encompassing in the kitchen. They add a natural aroma to all foods and water.
How do I use flavored drops?
The dosing instructions on the label only serve as a guidance for liquids. The intensity of the aroma and the degree of sweetness are subject to personal taste preferences, as in the case of the usual sugar for household use. The quantity used varies depending on the food used. For example, for baking a much larger amount is used than for sweetening a regular cup of coffee or tea.
We recommend that you feel slowly until you have found the ideal personal dose. It is not advisable to consume undiluted. Application: Depending on your taste preferences, add 5-10 drops of all Drops Sweetener and Flavour to 250 ml of liquid.