NUVITA EFFICĂ SET Double Pump for Maternno Smart X - 1287KDX | Full set of accessories, anti-unicly-approved bait Baby
Product Description
- Increase pumping efficiency: Convert the SMARM SMART 1287X single breast pump into a double breast pump and double the removal of milk over less time.
- AIO Anti-Colic bottle: equipped with a 150 ml bottle and a nipple approved by the Italian Dental Association to ensure a safe and comfortable feeding for your child.
- Simple and fast installation: Easy to install by connecting the tube to the engine unit, allowing an immediate passage to the effective double pumping.
- Hygiene and comfort: Ideal to renew your pump for a second maternity or as a replacement to ensure hygiene and efficiency so that your breast pump is always in optimal condition.
NUVITA SET OF EFFECT Double Pump for Maternno Smart X - 1287KDX | Full set of accessories, AIO's Anti-Colic Anti-Colic Biller

NUVITA EFFICĂ SET Double Pump for Maternno Smart X - 1287KDX | Full set of accessories, anti-unicly-approved bait Baby