Products and accessories for baby food and breastfeeding

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Lansinoh 3-In-1 Thermoperlen - Kühlpads & Wärmekissen Für Die Brust - Mit Milchpumpe Kombinierbar- 2 Stück Inkl. Schutzvlies | 2 Stück (1Er Pack)

Lansinoh 3-in-1 Thermoperlen-Breast Cooling and Heating

Three fields of application in a single flexible pillow with beads: cooling as a cooling pillow, heating as a direct heating buffer and connecting to the breast pump with the...
MAM Manueller Milchaufsatz

Mam manual milk device

Soft: soft silicone legs for delicate milk extraction Compact and discreet: for extracting milk at home or on travel. Effective: Stimulates and extends breastfeeding. Hygienic: hygienic cover that protects against...
Tommee Tippee Made for Me Elektrische Einzel-Milchpumpe, Starke Saugkraft, Angenehmer, Wiederaufladbar Über USB, Leise, Tragbar, Express-Modi, Samt Babyflaschen

Tommee Tippee Made for Me Unique Electric Her Pump, Strong Aspiration

More milk in less time: the soft silicone cup has massage petals that stimulate your breasts so you can extract more milk in less time Easy to clean and assemble:...
Beurer by 15 Manuelle Milchpumpe, Handmilchpumpe Für Unterwegs, Leicht Und Handlich, Einfaches Abpumpen Mit 2 Abpumpstufen, Inkl. Fläschchen Mit Anti-Kolik-System, Weiches Silikonkissen

Beurer Babycare, manual breast pump, including a bottle with anti-Colic system

Ideal for the road: The manual breast pump is ideal for loaded programs or when traveling. Due to its compact size, it is easy to store and transport Pumping Gentle:...
Chicco Milchbeutel Mit 30 Stück, Auslaufsicher, Mit Praktischem Auslauf, Aufbewahrung Von Muttermilch, 250 Ml

Chicco milk bag with 30 pieces, leak resistant, 250 ml

Flexible design Quality/durability Durability Sturdiness
Medela Swing Flex Ersatzschlauch (Spanische Version)

Exchange hose Medela Swing Flex

Medela hose for Swing electric breast pumps, maxi-flax, ideal for daily milk extraction You can find other spare parts for Medela bonnets such as the Maxi Madela Swing Maxi Swing...
Chicco, Tragbare Elektrische Milchpumpe, Kompakt Und Leicht, Effektives Abpumpen Mit 5 Intensitätsstufen, Sanft Und Ergonomisch, Mit Geneigtem Sauger Und Dichtem Verschluss, Weiß, 150 Ml

Chicco, portable electric breast pump, 5 intensity levels, 150 ml

€117,95 – €205,95
Portable electric milk pump: This compact and light breast pump can be easily worn in the bag and is therefore always at hand 2 -phase system: the way this breast...
Medela Elektrischer Milchaufsatz

Electric accessory for Medela's milk pump

More milk, in less time: Double pressure provides 18% more milk ¹ in 2x less time Convenient and efficient - due to the revolutionary form of personal flex nodes, they...
4122-06 Stillkissen, Bezug Und Füllung, 50 X 60 Cm

Breastfeeding pillow, lid and filling, 50 x 60 cm

Hold the newborn in the correct position Comfortable and soft for the baby Ideal for babies and young children (0-36 months) It helps the mother to breastfeed, reduces tension on...
4107-06 Stillkissen Maulwurf, 50 X 60 Cm

Mole breastfeeding pillow, 50 x 60 cm

Hold the newborn in the correct position Comfortable and soft for the baby Ideal for babies and young children (0-36 months) It helps the mother to breastfeed, reduces tension on...
Chicco Milchaufbewahrungsbehälter Step up New Inklusive Silikonsauger

Chicco container for storing step up new milk including silicone tetine

Four containers Four locks Tetine for silicone bottle Suitable for all bottle nipples and portable electric breast pump Containers can be used to store excess breast milk. Due to a...
Suavinex 3304113 - Milchpumpe/1Stück

Ritvinex 3304113 - breast pump

Manual The Romvinex manual breast pump serves to extract excess milk and collect it into the tank, easy and hygienic, thus decongesting the chest. It is advisable to wash it...