Cosmetics and beauty

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Glicerină vegetală, 100% naturală, hidratant natural pentru păr și piele, ideal pentru săpunuri, șampoane, creme, 1 litru

Vegetable glycerin, 100% natural, natural moisturizing for hair and skin, ideal for soaps, shampoos, creams, 1 liter

Vegetable glycerin is a colorless, odorless and sweet liquid; It can be dissolved in both water and alcohol. It is obtained by extracting oils from certain plant species. Perfect for...
Elizabeth Arden - loțiune de corp răcoritoare cu parfum de extract de ceai verde, 500 ml

Elizabeth Arden - soft body lotion with green tea extract perfume, 500 ml

€15,95 – €50,95
Turn your care routine into the most pleasant and relaxing moments. The body lotion for women Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Refreshing Body Lotion comes from a lush and fresh green...
WELEDA Bio, Ulei de corp cu ulei de jojoba, întărește pielea si activează metabolismul pielii, 100 ml

Weleda bio, body oil with jojoba oil, strengthens the skin and activates the metabolism of the skin, 100 ml

Strengthens and smoothes the skin Aromatic-fresh care oil promotes healthy skin balance. An extract of herbal herbs from young birch, rosemary and ruscus leaves in combination with a massage activates...
Elizabeth Arden, cremă de corp îmbogățită cu extract de ceai verde, miere naturală și unt de shea hrănitor, 500 ml

Elizabeth Arden, body cream enriched with green tea extract, natural honey and nourishing shea butter, 500 ml

€16,95 – €181,95
Green Tea Honey Drops Body Cream for women is a body cream designed to revitalize and nourish dry skin. The oily and farmer formula with true bee honey and green...
Mixa Urea Cica Body Lotion XXL, Cu uree și pantenol regenerant, Lapte de corp calmant și protector, Pentru piele uscată, 400 ml

Mix the Body Lotion XXL, with urea and regenerating panttenol, soothing and protective body milk, for dry skin, 400 ml

Regenerating body milk for body use for extremely dry and cracked skin care Result: Repair and smooth, prevent redness, stretch and itching, strengthen the skin protective barrier and natural lipid...
WELEDA Organic Skin Food Body Butter, Cremă unisex de îngrijire a corpului pentru îngrijirea pielii uscate și aspre, 150 ml

Weleda Organic Skin Food Body Butter, Unisex body care cream for dried and harsh skin care, 150 ml

Intensive body care for dry to very dry skin Discover the new surface for dry to very dry skin with Skin Food Body Butter. Intense nourishing body butter calms the...
NIVEA Rich Body Milk, cremă de corp hrănitoare intensivă cu ulei de migdale, 400 ml

Nivea Rich Body Milk, intensive nourishing body cream with almond oil, 400 ml

NIVEA RICH Body Milk - 48H Intensive moisturizing care for dry skin For all those who wait more than just hydration from a body lotion: Nivea Rich Body Milk offers...
Hustle Butter Deluxe™ Original - 150 ml

Hustle Butter Deluxe ™ original - 150 ml

Hustle Butter Deluxe ™ is a 100% vegan substitute for all oil -based products used as tattoo lubricants before and after the tattooing process. Hustle Butter will not remove the...
Garnier, Cleanser cu cărbune, gel de curățare facială împotriva punctelor negre și a coșurilor, 250 ml

Garnier, Cleanser with coal, facial cleaning gel against black dots and baskets, 250 ml

Facial cleaning gel to reduce the appearance of blackheads and dots and remove sebum, dirt and makeup from the skin, ideal for the skin prone to acne Result: low impurities,...
Lavera, Gel de duș cu bambus organic și guarana, 3 in 1, pentru piele, păr și față, 200 ml

Lavera, shower gel with organic bamboo and guarana, 3 in 1, for skin, hair and front, 200 ml

€6,95 – €12,95
Refresidently and revitalizing: 3 -in -1 shower gel for men with organic bamboo and organic guarana for a long -term freshness. Shower gel and shampoo 3 in 1: Provides sensitive...
WELEDA Bio Inspire, Gel de duș organic cu aroma de portocala si rodie, unisex, 200 ml

Weleda Bio Inspire, organic shower gel with orange and pomegranate aroma, unisex, 200 ml

Nourishes and inspires the senses A perfume detached directly from 1001 nights. The Pomegranate Inspire shower soap has an antioxidant effect and inspires the senses with the exotic and sensual...
Lavera, Gel de duș răcoritor cu lămâie verde organică, 250 ml

Lavera, refreshing shower gel with organic green lemon, 250 ml

Vegan formula with neutral pH, with gentle tensioning agents, organic lime and organic lemongrass cleanses very delicate, is well tolerated and is delicate with skin flora. Biodegradable formula without mineral...